Curls Just Wanna Have Sun : Design Essential

Curls Just Wanna Have Sun : Design Essential

So, it is practically the start of summer, and I have been waiting all winter to be able just to wash my hair and run outside when need be without catching a case of the common cold. During the past winter months, I took the opportunity to train my hair and perfect my regimen and needless to say, I think my hard work has paid off.

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Are You Petty or Passive Aggressive?

Are You Petty or Passive Aggressive?

We all hate that “passive aggressive” person, yet we also laugh at the “petty” ways of our society. Read about how pettiness is now just a socially accepted form of passive aggression and the potential impact it can have on our relationships.

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Samples Accumulated from AFROPUNK Brooklyn

Samples Accumulated from AFROPUNK Brooklyn

I mean, they have a WHOLE "HAIR VILLAGE".  Unfortunately, I did not have the time to visit all of the business stands because I had to switch back and forth to the performances (and it was hot), so I only got like three things.... I know, pitiful; but I thought I would go through the details of those items.

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