I Tried It | Vanity Planet Spin Brush
/If you are struggling with acne you probably have been trying EVERYTHING in your power to get rid of it. Although acne, itself, has many components and causes, I have been trying my best to use non-irritating, natural products and tools that can help my skin rid itself of acne causing bacteria.
The Vanity planet Hand held spin brush is one of my favorite tools that has worked to keep my skin acne free.
Face cleaning brushes can be more effective especially for those who suffer from sensitive skin or are prone to breakouts. With a deeper and more thorough cleaning, pores are unclogged, contaminants are cleared and your skin is left smoother and fresher from the removal of dead skin cells.
The Vanity Planet Ultimate Skin Spa Comes with three brushes,but I only honestly use one. It comes with the Daily Cleansing Brush, Exfoliation Facial Brush and the Silicone Brush. The best option for me, because of my sensitive skin and break outs, is the Silicone Brush.
You can usually purchase the Ultimate Skin Spa System on SALE on Vanity Planet's Website for $39.99. The Regular price is $129.00 so unless you have a disposable income... wait for the sales. I would also recommend getting it from Amazon for the consistent low PRIME price of $30.16.