6 Ways To Overcome Daily Anxiety and Promote Motivation

Sometimes you just don't want to deal with the day or maybe you just need some motivation. Well, here are some ways that have helped me to get in the groove of the day: 


1. Get Up Early

There are many benefits to early morning. Waking up early not only improves your quality of sleep by getting yourself into a routine, but it also enhances your productivity. I started thinking of early mornings as a gift rather than a pain because I started preoccupying my time with self-care tactics that allow me to have a better hold on my daily schedule.


2. Develop A Routine

Having a morning routine can effectively reduce your anxiety. Creating a morning routine has been a life-changing strategy for lowering my stress as it has allowed me to get more done than I thought possible. It also has helped me feel more grounded during the day starting the day off with a positive, structured and intentional note.

Right now, my routine consists of: 

Wake up Early

Now, this is subjective, but waking up at least three hours before your first appointment of the day can give your mind some relief. When you wake up early you have plenty of time to get where you need to fo instead of rushing and this promotes calm because you are able to focus on more self-care tactic.

Make My Bed

Didn't like to do it as a kid, but I now understand how powerful this can be because it allows you to successfully complete a task first thing in a morning and builds momentum to continue accomplishing goals during the day.

Meditating and Praying

Honestly, I am not the best at meditating, but I have also heard that there is no wrong way to approach it, so either I am an anomaly or... I am just a pretty solid freshman. If you are interested in how I am navigating the meditation practice as a beginner, feel free to read my article on it! In the meantime, I usually just pray and/ or close my eyes for a fee minute while listening to a guided meditation or track.

Take a shower / Wash my face

As part of self-care, this is what I do on a daily to practice my self-care and also keep up with personal hygiene, of course.

*Note that routines may change and vary from person to person.  Finding what works for you is what matters. 

3. Accountability Partner

Sometimes the best way to cope with anxiety is finding an accountability partner who will help to hold your personal goals in a sort of "social contract". When we confide in each other in a way that is vulnerable, we can better enable hard-wired strategies for self-motivation. My best friends are my accountability partners and really hold me up to that standard of motivation, directly or indirectly. 

4. Aesthetics

Personally, aesthetics play a huge role in motivating me to work harder. I love to work in nice and clean buildings or surroundings. I usually like to work on beautiful sunny days near windows or evening in my room where I have hung decorative Christmas lights from my ceiling. 

However, wherever I am, I'd prefer to be clean and appealing to my senses to induce my creativity. 

5. Positivity

Keep it Positive. Positive. Positive. Not only in thoughts, but in actions. This is also something that can be hard, but when practiced routinely can produce great results. Usually, my positive thoughts turn sour whenever I find myself worrying about the future or the past. However, I usually try to remember that a contented person is fully caught up in the moment and is not thinking about the past or the future.

Relax, release them, let them go and remain positive. 

6. Take Small Risks

Another thing that motivates me is taking small risks. So I'd like to think I am a risk taker and to some extent I am, but sometimes I tend to over think and over plan and I usually try to minimize "risk", but I have found that taking small risks is learning to take a chance on myself and being ok if it doesn't work and failure is only the biggest ignition for my motivation. 

Do you think these will work for you? What are some of the ways that you manage your anxiety or stress? Share below!