Guest Post Guidelines
Submission of your post does not guarantee publication.
To maintain the integrity of CkingDesirée, topics regarding health & wellness, travel, culture, and lifestyle will be accepted. These are intentionally broad topics in order to receive a breadth of different posts.
Preference will be given to those who demonstrate a genuine interest in CkingDesirée as a reader or follower.
Please follow the following guidelines:
♕ All posts must be original and may not have been published elsewhere.
♕ Posts should be between 500 - 1000 words
♕ Posts must use proper grammar & be proofread.
♕ Make sure any links in your posts are relevant and valid.
♕Please include relevant photos and| or media.
♕ Include a short bio at the end of your post. Feel free to include a link to your site or social media handles. (50 words or less)
You will be notified if your guest posts have been accepted and it will be published within 1-4 weeks depending on content. Check periodically so you don’t miss it!
If you would like to submit your guest post for review, please email it to with "Guest Post Submission” in the subject line.
Please include the following in the email:
Your full name
Your post title
The body of your post
Attach any relevant images
Your URL (if applicable)
A short bio
Feel free to contact me with any other questions you may have!
I Look forward to working with you.
XOxo, Ckingdez
I Look forward to working with you.
Personally, my empathy is a vessel that has allowed me to love super hard and super selflessly. My empathy runs deep through my veins— it’s a blessing and a curse…