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3 Biblical Steps to Soul Care

Soul Care: Be fair to your body

This past Sunday  I took a step back to reflect on the proper measures that should be taken to care for my spiritual and physical well being. I heard a message at church that I truly needed about the importance of taking care of our souls in this hectic world. So I thought I would share a little of what I learned about regaining physical and mental clarity through scripture.

In one of the most popular passages in the Bible, Psalm 23, it details the promises and actions that God does for us.

Take a look at the very first few lines in the verse:

 “The Lord is my Shephard, I shall not want

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures

He leadeth me besides the still waters

He restoreth my Soul…”

Aside from the comfort that this verse gives those who say it, the pastor showed us that this passage is not just a Bible verse to recite, but to believe because Soul is the breath of God. Genesis 2:7 states: “Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being”. Our Soul is the breath of God. It is spiritual, as we are unable to see it. It is Immortal, as it does not die as our bodies do; and it is Moral, as it acts as our proper conscience.

So how do we care for God’s breath in order to reap the benefits of a healthy and happy Soul?


1. Sleep

Please, for the love of all things beautiful, sleep! I should probably stop here because I know that more sleep would solve half of my problems. However, in addition to its healing properties, sleep also displays your trust in God.


Sometimes we are so busy trying to figure out problems on our own, that we do not give our souls time to be reminded that we are just human. God made us human and he is NOT, and will never be, disappointed in our humanity. However, when you rest, you allow God to assist in your difficulties.


Genesis 2:21-22, says that God created Eve while Adam was asleep; “ So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping he took one of the man’s ribs and then closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.” 

In all reality, good things really do come to those who sleep.

2. Keep a day to revitalize your soul

“Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it Holy”.

I, for one, am notorious for stressing out on Sunday ten times more than I do on the previous days. In college, Sundays were when students caught up on homework, not sleep.  However, it is really important that we have, at least, one day to rest our bodies and rejuvenate our spirit.

Do whatever makes you happy and breathes life  into your soul, on this particular day. For some it may be reading in your favorite nook or partaking in artistic creations. For others, it may be alone time at their favorite restaurant. For me, it’s practicing my photography or sleeping. 

When you have a day that is set to simply revitalize your love for life, it’s extremely helpful in building mechanisms to support your mental and spiritual endurance.     

3. Spend time with Friends

Personally, friendship is the best gift that someone could give/receive. Proverbs 27:9 says that; " as perfume and incense bring joy to the heart so doth the sweetness of a man’s friend by heart counsel."

God didn’t make man to go through life alone. Lean on your friends and get to know them for who they are. Spend time with those who you love and be in good company. 

Soul care is not only about feeling rested, but learning to build your physical and spiritual endurance. When we don’t take the time to take care of ourselves, it can lead to physical and mental distress. 

I am really horrible about taking my own advice. This all makes sense, but I know that sometimes it hard to follow through. Regardless finding time to take care of yourself in the present is important for a healthy future.